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MusicMaster Blog

Use the Info Bar next time you’re building clocks! posted on September 23rd, 2019

By Brian Wheeler

Building clocks is a task that most MusicMaster users visit infrequently. Many users will create a set of clocks and use them for long periods of time with little, if any, change. Other users may require more frequent changes but may not feel very efficient in this process. Are you maximizing the tools at your disposal?

There are many features in MusicMaster that make clock building and tweaking easier, but for now I’m going to focus on the Info Bar. The Info Bar is typically docked on the left side of your MusicMaster program if you have it visible at all. If you don’t have it visible, you can go to View, then select Info Bar to see all that the Info Bar has to offer.

The first thing you’ll likely notice is the list of your music and non-music categories from top to bottom. Not only can you click on these categories to get a quick view of each category’s contents, but you can also drag these categories into a clock that you are building. You can drag and drop an entire hour’s worth of music in a matter of seconds using the Info Bar.

You can also drag in lognotes. those commands for your playback system that you so carefully typed into your clocks are all retained under the clock tab at the bottom of the Info Bar. Click on the Clock tab, then select the ‘Lognotes’ header. There is your entire list of carefully created lognotes. You can drag and drop those into your clocks, too! No sense in having to type them all out again.

Also note in Version 7, the new Elements Tab in your InfoBar allows you to drag clock elements directly into place.

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Using these tools, plus other great tools like the ‘clone’ feature in the clocks (use the toolbar or context menu option) can make the arduous task of creating or modifying clocks into a breeze.

If you’d like more tips and tricks to minimize your clock building/rebuilding time, give your MusicMaster Scheduling Consultant a call and we’ll be happy to show you all kinds of time-saving features.

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