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MusicMaster Blog

Italy Tour 2012 posted on September 30th, 2012

The MusicMaster Team of Joe Knapp (A-Ware), Rainer Eichhorn (ON AIR), Roberto Bellotti, Mario Volo and Gino Nuzzo (BVMedia) went on a wonderful trip to visit some of our customers in Italy. On the way from Milano to Naples via Rome they had the chance to meet people from Finelco, RTL, Radio24, KissKiss, Radio Italia, Radio Number One, Class editori, Blusat and MTV Italy. It was a great, fun trip, filled with good conversations, good wine and, of course, perfect food. We want to thank all those who made some free time to meet us and give us important feedback for our future development. Thanks to Roberto, Mario and Gino for organizing this amazing trip, and we look forward to our next visit.

Joe with Mr. Lorenzo Suraci, owner of RTL Italy in Milano; the combined Radio/TV studio of RTL Italy; Joe with Pino Massignan, Chief Engineer of Radio Italy in front of one of the most outstanding still existing Amek/Neve consoles in the Live recording Studio of Radio Italia in Milano.

Joe with Mr. Mario Volanti, founder and owner of Radio Italia; Joe at Radio 105 owned by the Finelco group in Milano, Italy; Roberto Bellotti (GM of BV Media), Rainer Eichhorn (GM of ON AIR), Joe Knapp (president of A-Ware) at KISS KISS Radio in Naples who are in the process of switching from Selector to MusicMaster.

Joe and Mr. Antonio Niespolo, owner of Kiss Kiss Radio in Naples, Italy; Joe and Rainer checking out the websites of their Italian clients; Roberto Bellotti and Gino Nuzzo of BV Media, the Italian distributor of MusicMaster.

Joe and Roberto saying goodbye after a wonderful tour seeing some of our great clients in Italy.